My Different Hats

I'm a(n)....


On April 25, 2005, I became an aunt for the very first time. His mother is my sister, Jessica, and his father's name is Marc. His name is Aiden, but sometimes we call him DenDen. He's four years old and currently goes to school to help him catch up in his speech and behavioral skills because he has Autism and ADHD. But he's a healthy and happy boy regardless and we all love him very much. ^^


I have one brother who is 36, named Matt, and a sister who is 25, named Jessica. I look up to them both and they are my role models. Though my sister hasn't made very good choices, I take those mistakes and learn from them. Since the age difference is so great between my brother and I, I didn't get to grow up with him like I did with my sister. But he's always been the mature big brother who I've models some parts of my life after. It's funny to see the similarities between my siblings and I. Jess and I will say the same thing at the exact same time frequently, while my brother and I have similar mannerisms and reactions to things. I love them both very dearly. :)


I'm the daughter of John and Deborah Brooks. They met in college and have been together ever since. They both support me in every way, but sometimes one parent will support me in an area while the other supports me in a different area. For example, my mother supports my musical education more than my father does. He still supports me, but he understands it's just for fun, while my mom takes it more seriously. Sure they'll support me with whatever I do, but it depends on the subject on how strongly they support me. But them supporting me at all makes me love them even more.


Being a musician is a big part of my life, and it has also impacted my life immensely. I can play the viola, and guitar, but I'm also currently learning how to play the banjo. I also want to learn how to play the bass, piano, and irish flute. Whenever I feel stressed out, I play my guitar, and sometimes it helps greatly. I have many of my friends now because of being a musician. They are musicians themselves, and we met each other through orchestra. I couldn't imagine my life without being able to play music at all.

Best Friend

I'm also lucky enough to have a best friend, her name is Kelsi. We have many common interest and sometimes we even think the same thoughts! I can talk to her about anything, and I confide many secrets in her. It's great just to have somebody to talk to. She's also my viola buddy in orchestra, she being first chair while I'm second chair. We talk just about everyday, yet we don't seem to run out of things to talk about. I'm glad she's my best friend and I love her as if she was my sister!

Below is a presentation that has a little bit more about me.